Our Services


Tropical Consulting is more than just a Real Estate company. We offer you a wide variety of services to make your investment successful. With us, you can develop any kind of business.

We can help you to make your Costa Rican investment dream come true. Our team will help you through the entire process and give you a full service experience.

When you want to buy a property we will help you:

  • Find the right property
  • Check the value of your property
  • Search the best business opportunities in Costa Rica
  • Provide legal support through the entire process (registration of the property and more)
  • Conceptualize and structure the project according to Costa Rica’s government land regulations
  • Supervise the master plan and the market research
  • Do a feasibility analysis

When you are ready to develop the project we will help you:

  • With the technical supervision of your design and plans for your project
  • Find the best building contractors
  • Search and find the best environmental and technical studies agencies
  • Structure a strong financial plan and find the best financial deals with financial institutions
  • Supervise the construction process

When you are ready to run your business we will help you:

  • By giving you guidelines about starting a corporation in Costa Rica -Design the best business structure for your project. (Structure the company, create a business plan, sales and marketing department, etc.)
  • With Legal support to open the corporation for you.
  • Manage the corporation for you
  • We are capable of running your company on a short- or long-term basis
  • Bring outsourcing accounting, management and financial services to your company

When you have your company working we will help you:

  • Provide an independent analysis of your company´s financial performance


Our mission is help you to develop your business or project providing you with a great personal service in all the steps of the process. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal and we will run the extra mile for you.



Contact Us

Tropical Consulting is please that Costa Rica has become a country of interest to you. We want to help you to make your business dream come true.

Please call us at:

(506) 2249-5841
(506) 2249-6121
(506) 2249-6137
(506) 8384-6371

Or write an email right now!


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Tropical Consulting Group
All rights reserved ® 2014